We’ve got first course at our portal – “Health Club” with a special price at launch, compared with more than half the cost of its native version (in Ukrainian), it is a good deal. As it is newly introduced for English-speaking audience, your help in spreading the word on the holistic health learning would be highly appreciated – you will receive additional 50% discount coupon – please, share the course free masterclass page at social media and contact us.
Take a chance of investment in conscious approach to your health today. Among other benefits, the course would help to boost your immunity, rugged to viruses, you will gain life-long access to the course materials and priceless knowledge for embedding into your daily routines, naturally boosting your productivity, vitality and longevity.

More About The Author
The course author Oleksandra Pavlenko created “Health Club” training in Ukraine in 2022 when the country was occupied by war. She conducts a number of group classes such as “Cleansing Nutrition” and “Cleansing of Lymph” and supports “Energy Retreat” for smaller groups, also in person. So far, they were for non-English speaking audience, information was shared mostly at her Instagram (yet not in English).
Since her youth Oleksandra had gift of healing, without accepting those natural gift, she was running her business as a lawyer, until near-death circumstances she recovered herself from using naturopathy. Since than she accepts her gift of healing and devotes her life to learning and teaching science-based healing, using naturopathic approaches, also interacting with a medical practitioners in her team if required.
No matter quite high ranks she had (Former First Deputy Minister of Health of Ukraine and TOP-5 female lawyers according to Forbes Women) she is nimble and very sincere. Another gifts Oleksandra has is “power of word” and passion for knowledge-sharing. She travels the word with her programs, with attention to many thankful individual clients. Sometimes she brings to audience less known in media but powerful experts from such fields as psychosomatic, nutritionists, herbalists, energy mediums, etc.
By the way, a couple of her nearest events would be in next months – October-November 2024. One of which – online (“Cleansing Nutrition 3.0”, in Ukrainian language), another one – in-person together with Dmytro Alexandrov – the author of bestseller “Mindfulness in Business”, while she visits Ukraine, her home country.

Here are just a few snapshots as an example of what might have been less know due to the lingual and geosocial boundaries. Now becoming accessible more widely starting with the https://hezen.us/healthclub-masterclass/
The plans are to make more of such a knowledge available in English, using the unique techniques, technologies and power of open learning innovation, also connecting with similar experts going beyond geosocial limits.
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