I was lucky to have good teachers and labors in my life…
– starting from parents: mom – in biology, dad – in electronics (both combining with gardening in between);
– sister – in sharing and support
– kids – in better understanding myself, others, and the world around (often expressed through art, music, and emotions)
– wife – in love, feelings, patience and psychology;
– colleagues – in knowledge sharing, support, or pushing me forwards gaining more knowledge for solving technological challenges, also pointing imperfections in the processes, products or myself; Thanks for that – you’re amazing!
– social connections, some of which turned into partnerships or lessons learned: in engineering, sports and health.
While bits of professional knowledge records are being digitized in the corporate software, portals, wikis, emails… for beyond-work areas of life, I often thought of a knowledge-sharing collaborative platform, where everyone could contribute or gain insights from “open learning innovation”, with a gratitude to mentors and learners.
I remember my first mentor at the university who inspired me to develop my first learning management system (LMS) for students based on curriculum courses taught at my university (programmed on C++ in 2002, and still can run on Windows 11). It was called TAOS – Testing Automated titutiOn System, and was mainly focused on automated testing of the student’s knowledge during exams, significantly reducing manual efforts of teachers. It’s other part was knowledge base with limited “intelligence” – suggesting “reding list” to improve failed tests.
At spring of 2024 I had a healing experience, and its mentor inspired me to bring to live my idea of open learning platform at the scale – HeZen.us, devoted to holistic approaches to health and wellness from the inside-out.
The mentor’s course was in Ukrainian language, so it took the whole Summer to “ripe” it into digestible form for English-speaking audience. Here is a free healthy slice of it: https://hezen.us/healthclub-masterclass/
Technically, the platform is built on open source technologies to provide at the first stage an affordable entry point for mentors to share wisdom and learners to gain that knowledge of achieving better health and healing. To retain the “power of word” and facilitate the process, for this first course voice cloning AI capabilities were used; from multiple tools two best-matching, were selected (that is why you might notice a slight difference in a tone at some parts, but the author and reviewers confirmed similarity to the original). More courses would come from physical and spiritual areas.
The second stage would be organizing those human healing algorithms into a visual model-based diagram, with connection to the sources – for researchers to track and extend their scientific brain and for end users to find confidence while applying learning in a daily practice.
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